(Computers are predictable. Humans, on the other hand...)
Print out a beautiful and secure wallet for your monocle coin!
Looking for a comprehensive guide to using DOGECOIN paper wallets? Check out Dogecoin Tutorial! Monocle coin tutorial coming sometime.
Here's an overview of what will happen, step by step:
Step 1: Calibrate Printer
Before printing out a wallet you'll need to "calibrate" your output using the zoom and horizontal shift adjustments to accommodate your particular browser / printer combination. Without proper callibration, your wallet may print out too small or with a misaligned reverse side.
Step 2: Print Front
Next we'll print out the front side of your wallet. A public address and private key will automatically be generated, or you can supply your own key if you are using 'vanitygen' or some other random key generator.
Step 3: Print Back
Then you will put the same page back in your printer (but flipped over) to print out the back side of your wallet. This isn't just for good looks: the back side design includes additional tamper-resistant safeguards.
Step 4: Cut, Fold, Seal & Fund
Find your scissors! The final step is to cut out your wallet, fold it, and seal it with opaque (light-blocking) tape. Now you're ready to transfer certcoins from your online holdings to your new wallet.
Basic security checklist:
- ? Are you using a secure operating system guaranteed to be free of spyware and viruses, for example, an Ubuntu LiveCD?
To calibrate your output, print out this page in LANDSCAPE (wide) format. Based on the results, adjust the "zoom" and "horizontal shift" until your printed ruler approximates a real ruler, and leaves equal margins on the left and right sides of the page.
Print Calibration TestPlace the sheet you just printed back into the printer (be sure it will print on the back!). And don't forget to print in LANDSCAPE mode!
Print Wallet BackHow to cut and fold your monocle coin wallet:
Looking for a comprehensive guide to using DOGECOIN paper wallets? Check out Dogecoin Tutorial! Monocle coin tutorial coming sometime.
Cut out your wallet (use the dotted lines on the front as a guide, not the back!)
The sections to be folded are indicated by the dotted lines in this diagram:
Begin folding the more narrow private key area:
The final wallet will be a rectangle shape with the more narrow private key area folded over it, like this:
Finally seal your wallet by placing two strips of sturdy light-blocking tape over the top and bottom edges of the private (folded) area. A zip-seal bag will keep it safe from moisture (especially important for inkjet prints.)
Purchase hologram stickers and/or zip-sealing bags from BitcoinPaperWallet
How to add funds to your wallet:
Send monocle coins to the address (or QR code) where your wallet says "PUBLIC ADDRESS" and "DEPOSIT/VERIFY."
How to withdraw funds from your wallet:
Peel open the folded-over side of the wallet twice to reveal the private key and QR code. You should expect to withdraw the entire balance of the wallet by importing it (or "sweeping" it) to a live wallet, e.g. monocle-qt